
SEENDICO recommends how to increase the innovativeness of the Silesian economy

It is pleasure to present our recommendations on how to improve the Regional Innovation Strategy of the Śląskie Voivodeship for the years 2021-2027.

SWOT analysis of the innovativeness of the Silesian economy

The analysis of the situation of the Śląskie Voivodeship from the point of view of developing skills for smart specialization, industrial transformation and entrepreneurship can be summarized with the SWOT matrix, in which:
Strengths are: a developed industrial base, a large number of urban centers, the availability of pub-lic funding for innovation, a well-educated workforce, large endogenous resources for smart spe-cializations, a large number of foreign investors, strong links with global value chains, good commu-nication, high computerization, as well as strong links with foreign recipients.

The weaknesses are:

  • weak business-science connections,
  • problems in cooperation within and be-tween clusters,
  • low motivation of the scientific staff to engage in commercialization,
  • imperfect instruments for financing innovation,
  • not completely rebuilt endogenous resources of en-terprises (industry) in region and high dependence on foreign investors.

Opportunities are:

  • the availability of resources necessary to finance innovation and the development of smart specializations,
  • the development of innovative ventures, dynamic startups,
  • the creation of a Silesia Development Fund,
  • the development of new instruments for financing innovation,
  • including repayable instruments under the innovation fund,
  • growing expenditure on R&D.

The threats are:

  • possible outflow of foreign investment,
  • aging of the society and depletion of labor force and human capital,
  • concentration of activity in traditional,
  • less innovative activities,
  • failure to create an effective system of cooperation between science and business,
  • failure in the develop-ment of industry 4.0 technology
  • dependence on foreign markets.

Identyfikacja wąskich gardeł i rekomendacje

Analyzes of innovation bottlenecks in diffusion of innovations, including digitization in the Śląskie Voivodeship, as well as the identification of activities aimed at improving and developing the regional innovation system have enabled the preparation of 21 recommendations, including among others:

  • Adopting a systemic approach to supporting development within smart specializations;
  • Improving communication between entities representing various stakeholder groups of the re-gional innovation system;
  • Introduction of instruments enabling stable financing of key (business environment institutions) BEI staff and increasing the scope of BEI activities related to the animation of innovation processes;
  • Increasing the involvement of enterprises in the PPO process and developing strategies;
  • Specifying the areas of smart specialization, taking into account technology and the relationships between them;
  • Creation and development of the Silesian Development Fund;
  • Strengthening networking activities and the level of cooperation of actors of the regional innova-tion ecosystem;
  • Linking infrastructure operation and financing to networking activities;
  • Support for cooperation between science and enterprises;
  • Undertaking actions to intensify cooperation of clusters;
  • Increasing the offer of pro-innovative services for enterprises by BEI
    Development and implementation of tools improving the quality of consultancy services provided to BEIs
    Establishment of a network of advisors in the field of innovation management;
  • Increasing the scope of the Silesian Development Fund.